26 Jul 2017

It’s Official | We’re Going To France!


You guys!!! It’s official. My boyfriend and I are headed to France next month! For two weeks to be exact.

Have you been?!

After brain storming a few different destinations, we ultimately decided that we wanted to visit the South of France. Italy, Spain and Greece were all contenders but as you guys already know I’m obsessed with France. So, c’est la vie!

Once we decided on the destination, Josh wanted to see if we could squeeze Paris in as well since he’s never been. My answer (as you could probably guess) was YES. So to break up the trip from the South of France to Paris, we will be stopping for two days in Provence. God forbid we have to wine taste in one of the best wine regions in the world! So here we are with an amazing 12 day agenda to look forward to. I’m partnering with a few amazing luxury hotels and Haven in Paris. Remember our super cute Haven in Paris apartment from 2015?! I’m so so excited to team up with Haven in Paris again and cannot WAIT to show you guys the place we are staying this time around.

As you could imagine, I’ve been shopping up a storm. Since we will be traveling in the dead of summer, I’m looking to stick to basic pieces I can swap in and out all vacation long. A lot of silk camis, wrap dresses, linen pants, jean shorts, striped shirts, and accessories!


What’s your packing strategy for a long vacation? Do you try to stick to a carry on? I just don’t know if I can do it!

Here are a few of the pieces I have on my France wish list:

A new pair of sunglasses – I LOVE these Le Specs sunnies.

A Solid & Striped Suit – eyeing this Chelsea One Piece right now.

High waist jean shortsMadewell shorts are a no brainer.

Last but not least, a new sun hat! How cute is this Hatt Attack Panama hat?

P.s. I’m looking for any and all South of France recommendations! We’re starting out in Saint Tropez and then working our way up the coast. If you have any restaurant, tourist or shopping recommendations – I’m all ears!! Email me! Lauren@Lauren-Nelson.com.




Images via Gal Meets Glam

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