26 Mar 2015

7 Tips On How To Give Your Wardrobe & Home A Spring Refresh

When it comes to spring, I love giving my apartment and wardrobe a little refresh. The changing of seasons I think is the perfect time to re-evaluate both your wardrobe and space.

I quickly run out of space here in New York which at this point allows me to evaluate if I really need to hold on to a piece of clothing or pillow for a whole new season.

I’ve always said one of the best things about living in New York is that you (literally) cannot hold on to things for too long. Today I’m sharing 7 Tips On How To Give Your Wardrobe and Home A Spring Refresh with Seven Daugthers!


Denim Shirt // Fur Vest // Julie Vos Necklace

1. If you don’t wear it/use it – pitch it: I have to admit, this one can be tough. Especially when it comes to my wardrobe! There are pieces in my closet I still love and “could” always wear one day, but I have learned that it’s best to donate or sell vs. holding on to it for another few months. When it comes to my apartment, space is limited – I mean, li-mi-ted. I have about 5 pillows too many, and they more often times sit in a basket rather than sitting pretty on my bed. Such a good example that it’s time-to-go.


2. Reserve 5 minutes a day to clean/pitch: Spring cleaning can be quite overwhelming, especially if you have a lot to do. Whenever I clean out my wardrobe, it can take hours. What personally has helped me the most to tackle both my wardrobe and apartment is dedicating five minutes a day to “pitch.” I recommend setting aside a piece or two that you think you can part with as you get dressed everyday. So when the time comes to do the major re-haul, it won’t seem as overwhelming.


3. Update your pillows: Winter can certainly drag on which can affect your view on your space. One of the easiest ways to give your home/apartment a little refresh is updating your pillowcases. Take a peek below at my favorite throw pillows under $25 dollars.

4. Rearrange: You guys…Rearranging is one of the best things you can do for a spring refresh! A few weeks ago I bought the Kallax book shelf from Ikea. After putting it together, I wasn’t sure exactly where I wanted it. Therefore, I rearranged my room for about 2 hours. I can’t tell you how much better I felt after moving a few key pieces around!

5. Pick up flowers: The month of March can be tough. We get a taste of warm weather for two days then it’s right back to 30’s degree and snow – the worst!! Picking up fresh flowers is one of the easiest and fastest ways to give your home signs of spring.

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6. Re-think closet staples: When giving your wardrobe a spring update, be sure to re-think how you can wear the staples. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost pitched this versatile denim shirt I’m wearing below from Anthropologie. It just takes a new layering piece like my fur vest to throw on top that makes me love the denim shirt again.

7. Celebrate your spring refresh with a glass of Seven Daughters Wine: My favorite tip of them all, of course. What’s better then celebrating your days of hard work then with a glass of Seven Daughters wine? My go-to favorite for spring is Seven Daughters Crisp White Winemaker’s Blend. Add a little soda water for a delicious spritzer!


Bekka Palmer Photography

*This post is brought to you as a part of my collaboration with Seven Daughters wine as part of their Savvy Seven. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that support lauren-nelson.com!


  1. Great tips! I definitely don’t like to hold on to items I don’t wear, but it just seems to happen that I don’t wear half my wardrobe. Creating a fashion blog has helped me figure out new outfits and hopefully I will slowly start to only own items I actually want to wear 🙂

  2. Alissa wrote:

    These are such good tips!I always have to remind myself that if I haven’t worN it in six months it’s gone.


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